Kraftkonferansen Bodø 2024: The future in the north is electric

This week we had the pleasure of participating in the Kraftkonferansen Bodø 2024 in Norway, an energy- and industry conference, where we gained valuable insight into the topic ''The future in the north is electric''. This year's most important meeting place for the energy and industrial industry brought together top leaders and experts to discuss future solutions and opportunities within the energy sector.
Among the highlights were the norwegian energy minister Terje Aasland's speech, whichs put the spotlight on value creation and development in the northern regions, and Anders Lie Brenna's lecture on the power system, which dares too challenge the industry and ask critical questions.
Energy storage is part of the future
It was particularly interesting for Freber to discuss solutions to the power industry's challenges. Several interesting discussions around energy storage as a possible alternative to traditional development of power grids were raised.
As we all have seen in the media in recent days, the costs of power grids and grid rental are increasing. According to a new report from NVE, online rent may rise sharply towards 2030. This is a concern both the industry and the consumers. Several of the participants at the conference see energy storage solutions as a possible answer to some of these challenges.

New perspectives
The power conference has established itself as an annual tradition and an important arena for those concerned with future energy and industrial solutions.
All in all, the conference was a fantastic opportunity to gain new perspective on how we can shape a sustainable and competitive energy future for Norway. We look forward to follow the future development!